John Muir Award

The John Muir Award aims to promote educational, social and personal development, through the exploration of wild places and involvement in conservation.

At Arran Outdoor Education Centre we are ideally placed to deliver the award, incorporating it into our week long outdoor learning programme.

Participants will achieve a John Muir Discovery Award, having explored the island and contributed to conservation projects, ready to share their experiences back in the school community.


There are four elements to a John Muir Award. To gain the award, participants must:

  • discover a wild place
  • explore their wild place
  • take responsibility to conserve their wild place
  • share their experiences with others

Sample programme

The sample programme below gives you a flavour of the week at the centre. This can be tailored to meet the needs of your group.

MondayJourney to ArranIntroductory local hill walkNature quiz introduction and small mammal trapping
TuesdaySeal watching and rockpool studyWoodland walk and art with natural materialsWillow weaving
WednesdayOrienteering Conservation practical project workWalk up to cloud base and poetry compilation
ThursdayWoodland skills and shelter building Survival gameCharcoal drawing followed by disco
FridayNature quiz and poetry final reviewSwim in Auchrannie and journey from Arran N/A

After your visit, we will complete sharing and award certificates.

Find out more

For more information on John Muir Award, please contact the centre or take a look at the John Muir Award website.

John Muir Award Certificate Request Form (Word, 49Kb) is also available to download.